Dental Practice

  • Sector : Healthcare
  • Time saved : 17 hours/week
  • Money saved : € 13,200/annually

#Challenge Accepted

We have been asked to review existing processes and procedures within the organisation and propose improvement solutions.
Some of the issues were highlighted:

  • Invoice processing takes time.
  • Material, tools & dental supplies ordering process is time consuming and encounter errors.
  • #Our Approach

    Our aim was to reduce the time of processing invoices, serve patients better, and for employees spend less time on admin tasks.

    In terms of reducing errors when ordering dental supplies we discovered that there seems to be a miscommunication between Dental Practice and supplier. We decided to map the whole process and find out where is the bottleneck.


  • Invoice processing was automated.
  • Ordering system was build from scratch (available on all devices so employees can walk from room to room and make a list of items out of stock) .
  • #Results

    The business was seeing a time save within a matter of days.

  • Time to process patients' invoices dropped by ~80%
  • 5 hours saved (between 4 staff members) * 52 weeks in a year = 1000 hours saved
  • Annual operating costs reduced by ~€ 16,000
  • Errors were eliminated

  • Other benefits:
  • New process was received with enthusiasm
  • Quicker data processing which leads to: employees being more satisfied, happier patients, happier suppliers

  • Our solutions were implemented to meet higher volume of work when company scale. The beauty of automation is that there is no need to hire more employees as it works well no matter how small or big the workload is. Our solutions can meet increased demand in business in no time.